Homebrew - Graff V2
After the success of the first batch I wanted to continue experimenting with Graff. Rather than go crazy I kept my old recipe from the first try.
- 4oz crystal 120L
- 1oz torrified wheat
- 1lb of light dry malt extract
- 0.25oz of Saaz pellet hops
- Nottingham dry ale yeast
- 1.8 gallons of simple apple cider (4 bottles)
- Boil 1 pint of water in a kettle and put it in a pint glass to cool.
- Put 1 gallon of tap water in a 2 gallon pot and heat to 155.
- Steep 4oz crystal 120L and 1oz torrified wheat for 30 minutes using a grain bag.
- Add 0.25 gallons of water.
- Bring to a boil
- Add 1 pound of light dry malt extract and return to boil.
- Add 0.25 ounces of Saaz pellet hops (this is about 20 pellets).
- Boil for 30 minutes.
- Cool to 60 degrees and pour through a strainer into a carboy.
- Hydrate your Nottingham dry ale yeast by putting it in your pint of (room temperature) sterile water, give it a good stir.
- Add 1.8 gallons of simple apple cider to the carboy.
- Give the carboy a bit of a shake to mix things up and then measure the gravity.
- Pitch your rehydrated yeast into the carboy, add the blow off and ferment at room temperature for 2 weeks.
The only difference for this second batch was a slightly different yeast and a tweaked boil that used more water. I added more water because more water dilutes the wort and brings out more flavors from the hops. Less water means a more concentrated and dark wort that masks some of the hop bitterness. You are also less likely to burn any sugar if you have a greater volume of liquid. I changed yeast because that is what I had at home.
Brew: 12 Aug 2012, OG 1.052 Bottle: 26 Aug 2012 (14), FG 1.000, ABV 6.9% Ready: 02 Jun 2014 (645) Summary: Primary 14 days, Condition 645 days
UPDATE 02/Oct/2012
After about a month in the bottle I tried one. Initially I was hit by the alcohol taste with a very dry tang which I was not expecting. The after taste is bit acidic. By no means was it terrible, you could totally drink them. I think that they are too young to drink and will leave them for one more month before trying again. One thing is for sure (after drinking a 24), these things have quite the kick to them.
UPDATE 02/Jul/2013
After another 9 months I tried again. It tasted exactly the same as in October. It is still acidic and you get smacked in the face with the alcohol taste. I actually said 'cor blimey' when I drank some of it because the flavor caught so much by surprise. It is still very drinkable but I wanted it to mellow out a bit. I will wait the full year before giving my final verdict.
UPDATE 02/Jun/2014
A year and 9 months after bottling it I decided that no matter what we are calling it done. I figured after 645 days it wasn't going to get any better before I drank them all. The crazy acidic taste had mellowed, I think you can taste more of the beer part of it. It is still not the greatest thing I have ever made but it sure does have a kick to it. I was impressed by how carbonated it was even though I didn't prime it. Next time I will increase the 'beer' to apple ratio to hopefully cut the acidity.