Homebrew - Continental Pilsner
Gemma bought this kit and didn't know that lager would need lower temperatures than the ale we did. With Virginia warming up rapidly we were worried about getting this to work out. I thought I had killed the yeast by pitching them before the wort had cooled enough but following the advice of the internet I waited it out. It took several days before there was any airlock activity.
Before we racked and had to deal with having no way to control the temperature while lagering our landlord gave us a second fridge and saved the day. We bought a second bucket to use as a secondary and lagered at 45F in the new fridge.
Ingredients: Continental Pilsner, Extract kit from Brewer's Best Brew: 21 Feb 2011 Rack: 06 Mar 2011 (13) Lager: 15 Mar 2011 (9) Bottle: 29 Apr 2011 (45) Ready: ??? Summary: Primary 13 days, Secondary 54 days, Condition ???
The beer turned out absolutely amazing, perfectly clear and very crisp. I never would have bought this kit but I am so glad Gemma did. Now I can't wait for the weather to cool down so we can brew more.